School calendar and attendance

  • For special dates and holidays please refer to the school calendar.
  • The students must have 90% attendance in their class for promotion. That means they are not allowed to miss more than 20 days of school
  • Students are required to be punctual. For every tradie, a student is counted absent.
  • Parents are requested to call the office by 9:00 am when a child will be absent. If they are able, they can send written notice instead.


Leaving During School Hours:

  • Any students wishing to leave school during the school hours due to illness or any other valid reason must complete the permission form from the office or parents must call the office.
  • If a child gets sick parents or guardians will be called and the students must be picked up by their parents or guardian.
  • Students are not allowed to leave school without adult supervision.


Payment and students withdrawal:

  • Payment must be made each month before the end of the month of the English calendar.
  • School tuition fees must be paid for all the months of the academic year.
  •  If a student’s withdrawal falls in the middle of a session full month’s fees will be charged.



  • Throughout the school year, students can choose different ECA to participate in. The ECAs will run every week
  • Students who have not followed directions and not completed homework throughout the week may lose the privilege of participating in ECAs.

Bus Rules:

  • Students should enter the bus in line. They should arrive at the bus stop early and be ready to board the bus every day on time. If they are late, the driver will not wait for them for more than 5 minutes.
  • Stay seated and make sure to be quiet and do not disturb the driver.
  • Students under class 3 are not allowed to sit by the window on the bus.
  • Students should not throw anything out of the window and all body parts are to remain inside the bus all the time.
  • Food, candy, and drinks must be consumed off the bus.
  • Greet your driver and be appreciative. The driver and the teacher are in charge.
  • The backpack must be carried in front of each student’s lap.

Lunch Rules:

  • Do not remain in the classroom during recess time except on rainy days.
  • Be sure to clean up the classroom after lunch. Students are not allowed to eat in the classrooms if a teacher is not present.
  • Do not go out home for lunch. Bring a packed lunch at school or buy from the school canteen. Junk foods are not allowed.
  • Do not bring candy or chewing gum to school.
  • Students can bring drinking water no other drinks are allowed.

Recess Rule:

  • Eat `Tiffen before playing
  • Do not go outside the gates during recess. If they do they will lose recess for a whole week.
  • If a ball goes outside they should ask for permission from an adult to exit the gate.
  • Playing with sticks is not allowed.
  • Be sure to take turns on PlayStation, swings, and other sports.
  • Students are expected to sit, facing forward, and should not push each other or hold up the line.
  • Do not run on the walkway or behind the school.
  • Do not play with the garden or any work tools during recess.
  • Be sure to check out and check in sports equipment. 
  • Do not kick the volleyball or use equipment in ways that were not intended.
  • If sports equipment is damaged intentionally itself is responsible to repay.


Library rules:

  • Students should take care of all the books in the library.
  • If a book gets ripped, torn,  or otherwise damaged you should pay the fine.
  • These books are for you and your family to enjoy reading and learning with each other.
  • When students take books from the library make sure to care for them and return them safe and in good order.


Computer Lab Rules:

  • Enter the classroom quickly and sit down ready to learn.
  • Students are not allowed to touch equipment without permission. 
  • Students can only visit approved internet sites when the teacher gives permission to do so.
  • No talking without being recognized. When someone is talking you are expected to listen.
  • Treat your classmate, teacher, and all equipment with respect.
  • Raise your hand if you need help or are seeking permission to do something. You should not shout at your teacher or at your friends.



  • All students are required to wear a set uniform every day.
  • All uniforms should be correct, clean, and in good condition.
  • Students should wear sports uniforms for sports time or activities.
  • Girls can have long or short hair and they can decorate in a simple and clean manner. 
  • Colouring of the hair is not allowed for all the students.
  • On some field lessons or special occasions, students may be allowed to wear casual clothes or encouraged to wear special dress.


Behavior Expectation:

  • We aim to ensure the emotional and physical safety of all members of the community to focus on praise and affirmation and supporting a healthy and purposeful learning environment. We will do this by having our staff model, love, care, and respect for staff students and parents, clearly communicating high expectations to staff, students, and parents, and providing verbal and written praise. Students are expected to speak politely and show courtesy to one another.

This Includes:

  • No profanity or name-calling.
  • No pissing off.
  • No gossiping.
  • Not laughing when others make mistakes.

Students are responsible to take care of their own books and property.

 This Includes:

  • Keeping track of books, Pencils, erasers, and school materials being prepared for class.
  • Returning borrowed materials.
  • Completing homework and revising dayś lesson.


Students must respect their teachers and school staff.

This includes:

  • Listening to teachers and doing what is asked to do first.
  • Following the classroom rules.

Students are responsible to take care of books and school property.

     This includes :

    •  No running on a walking path
    • No spitting 
    • No littering _ use the trash bin
    • Taking care of library books, art supplies, the garden, trees, equipment, etc.
    • Using the proper toilet, cleaning after use, and washing hands.


    Plagiarism and Dishonesty:

    • Dishonesty of any kind is a serious offense at the school. Parents will be required to meet with the school and the school will determine the consequences to fit the offense. Dishonesty includes the following:
    • Lying: about anything no matter big or small.
    • forging a signature: on any documents including permission slips and discipline forms.
    • Cheating: includes copying others’ work or giving another student his / her work.
    • Plagiarism: involves the stealing of someone else’s idea or words as one’s own or the imitation of the languages, ideas, and thoughts, of another author or person and then passing them off as their own original work.



    If a student is sent to the office it will be recorded in our discipline record and we will follow the following procedure.

    • 1st offense: Talk, pray, and send a note home.
    • 2nd offense: Detention during lunch and work given up to 1-2 hours.
    • 3rd offense: In-school suspension for the whole day and a note will be sent home. This will also result in the loss of a special day. They will need to come but will not be allowed to participate.
    • 4th offense: Parents meeting will be called immediately. Students will do work at the office until their parents come. One-day absence will be given to the students and they will not be allowed to attend endo of school picnic.


    Classroom rules:

    • Follow directions the first time.
    • Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
    • Serve others and keep your hand, feet, and objects to yourself.
    • Love God and love each other, make good choices be honest.
    • Keep your dear teacher happy 
    • Be hard working and creative.


    Caste and gender discrimination or bullying: 

    The school is committed to ensuring a safe school environment conducive to priming a learning environment where students and staff can excel. An ordinary environment cannot exist where unlawful acts occur causing fear, intimidation, or physical harm to students or school staff. Operating under the cast system and its activities are illegal and shall not be allowed on school grounds or at the school functions.

    Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, robs a person of their dignity detracts from the safe environment necessary to promote students learning, and will not be tolerated by the school. Students who bully other students shall be held accountable for their actions whether it occurs on the school ground, off school grounds at the school-sponsored or approved functions, activities, or events, or going to or from school or a school activity. If you would like to know more please refer to the school website.

    Class Three & below:

    Students start on green and can move up or down based on if they have followed the rules throughout the day. We want students to end on blue or green.

    • Happy face – Blue
    • Happy face – Green
    • Happy face – Yellow
    • Happy face – Orange
    • Happy face – Red
    • Happy face – Purple


    Class Four & above:

    Students start with 4 points. Students lose a point every time they break a rule. They can earn a point back if change their behavior during the same class they lost it in. If they don’t change then they go to the next class with fewer points. The students can also earn one more point throughout the day of 4 points. If students end the day with four points – showing they did something extraordinary – they will get a happy face on the board to earn a school-wide privilege. If a student doesn’t turn in their homework for any class they lose the ability to earn a happy face no matter how they act.