Student development always comes first at DPS. The development includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth in a child. The physical development of a child directly impacts the overall learning at school. Sports activities are useful in schools for refreshment, fun, and growth. Hence, we provide various sports and activities that help students grow strong.

Rock Climbing is one of the great sports both for entertainment and physical fitness. Here, we are discussing how Rock Climbing is helping us with student development. Rock Climbing for children is essential since it:

  • Keeps children active
  • Develops coordination between hand and eyes
  • Develops problem-solving skills
  • Helps to reduce stress
  • Builds Self Esteem and confidence.

It is amazing how children can learn essential life skills through sports. Today, we are proud to inform you that students at DPS will now get assess to rock climbing every single day inside the school premises. Click the button below to watch students enjoying rock climbing at the newly established rock climbing station at our school